Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Why don’t your friends tell you these things?

So, now that I’m newly pregnant I’ve become obsessed with reading every pregnancy website (even though they say pretty much the same things). What I want to know is why didn’t my pregnant friends tell me the really interesting parts. Were they trying not to scare me? I’m not talking about all the fun stuff that happens in the delivery room; I’ve been in there. It can be nasty, but you don’t think about it. You’re too consumed with the brand new life on the horizon. I’m talking about the extra “fluids”, the acne, the gas. Extra saliva? Really? What can you do about that besides totally gross out my husband? My drooling before wasn't bad enough now I have extra? Come on! The rash? The extra snot? Wow. I can't eat carrots anymore either. Thank God you can take gas ex when you're pregnant. Maybe my friends were just trying not to scare me. What else do I have to look forward to? I think I'm scared now!


  1. hey, i told you about the mucus plug!

  2. I forgot about the saliva. . . I was very drooly. I think those are the things you want to forget. Did anyone say anything about headaches yet?

  3. I didn't have the drooling, rash/acne, or gas problem so I couldn't warn you. I'm sure I blocked many things out of my mind in hopes that someday we would have another child but here are a few things I remember vividly.....heartburn, skin tags, pain in my wrist, pissing my pants everytime I coughed or sneezed and huge saugage feet at the end of the day.

  4. The scary thing is - your friends still haven't told you the REALLY gross, disturbing stuff! Woo-Hoo!

    BTW, thanks for visiting my blog and becoming a follower - I really appreciate that!

    Have a great (and gas-free?) weekend...

    :^) Anna
