Friday, March 27, 2009

People Suck

I know, I am always saying how much I hate people but it's true. Just when I think they are ok some stupid person opens up their mouth and says something to remind me why I hate people.

For example:

The stupid check out girl at Motherhood: So, you're carrying twins? (my mother told everyone in the store) They did tell you that you will be much bigger than if you were carrying one baby, right? So you should be fine with your bottoms, but you will need bigger shirts for later.

Me: Um, yes, I think I've figured that out.

The stupid check out girl at Motherhood: Do you work?

Me: (confused at her question) Yes.

The stupid bitch at Motherhood: Oh, because I notice that you are only buying casual clothes and I was just curious why you didn't get anything business attire.

Me: Well lucky for me I get to wear jeans and t-shirts to work (insert my fake smile).

The stupid bitch at Motherhood: Oh, that's great!

Even my mother wanted to reach across the counter and smack her.


I'm 18 weeks pregnant and not really that big yet and I work with only 5 other people. All men. Well, boys is what I usually call them. The oldest one, who is married and has a few daughters actually said this to me last week:

Him: Wow, you're already waddling like you're pregnant

Me: Um, nope, my back is just hurting a little this morning.

Him: Oh! So, you've gained what? 15 pounds?

Me: Fuck you. (and I walked away)

See - stupid people everywhere. I wonder how they survive.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Maternity Shopping!

I finally went maternity clothes shopping. My mom and I made a day of it; shopping and lunch. We went to RA where I ate pretend sushi. I miss sushi! I miss saki too :) Anyway, then we were off shopping! This was the best day I've had shopping since I was a little girl (except the day I found my wedding dress). I tried on tons of clothes and wasn't the least bit upset if I had to ask for a larger size! Ususally that would make me cry. So what if I fit into an XL. I also fit into a L. Just depends on the fit and the store. I also realized that they make really, really ugly maternity shirts. What's with the bright, floral shit? It's just horrible. I stuck with black, white, and red and mostly just t shirts. I did buy a few dressy shirts just for fun. AND, I found a bikini top big enough to fit my F's and it has underwire. I was jumping up and down at Sears! I ended up with about 10 pair of pants and 4 or 5 shirts. I'm really excited to have clothes that fit my growing belly.

Thank you, MOM!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Kissing My Waistline Goodbye!

I've made it 15 weeks and am still in my own clothes. But, sad to say, they are a little tight around the belly so it's time to do some shopping! I've struggled with my weight my entire life but for some reason I've always had a flat stomach and an un-natural waist line :) Well, those days are over and yes, it is a little sad and weird, but also very exciting. Right now it just looks like I had too many beers and wings, but hopefully soon it will look more like what it's supposed to look like!

Of course, the loving husband had to put his two cents in, "You are going to get back to what you looked like before you got pregnant right after the babies are born, right?!?" Oh yes, honey. I'll get right on that while I'm trying to take care of 2 babies and you.

Thank you AJ for the bellyband, I can breathe much easier today because of it!