Monday, February 2, 2009

11 weeks

I’m almost out of my first trimester. Wow, where does the time go? The baby is the size of a lime this week and getting fingernails. Very cool information. Isn’t it funny how as soon as people find out you are pregnant they have words of advice for you. Or should I say patronizing statements to share:

“You’re going to breastfeed, right?”
“You know you can’t eat that right?”
“You do know that you’re not supposed to sleep on your back after your first trimester”
“You’re not going to find out the sex of the baby are you?”
“Really, that’s the name you have picked out?”

WTF? They aren’t really words of advice, nor are they encouraging at all. I’m not a moron, I think I know some of the things you aren’t supposed to do and the rest I read when I found out I was pregnant. Since I’m new at this, I do appreciate the advice. If it can be given to me as such. Um, not like the above. I’ve already snapped at a few close friends and family for the above statements. I might not breastfeed. That does NOT make me a horrible person. Yes, I know I can’t drink, smoke, do drugs, eat soft cheese, sushi or fish high in mercury. Yes, we want to know the sex of the baby. My question to you is, why didn’t you want to know? And, yes, we can and will name our child whatever the hell we want. I do not care if you like the name or not. You have children, you got your chance to name them, keep your opinions to yourself. Oh, thanks for caring!


  1. too funny! just so you know, i ate lunch meat, slept on my back and sometimes even my stomach (body pillow assisted). had an ocassional beer. let my newborn sleep on his stomach, found out the sex, let him have a binkie until he was 3 and guess what? we are all fine, but of course you know that becuase it's me!

  2. Oh yeah, the "advice", wait until it starts coming from strangers, that is even more fun!! Enjoy your pregnancy- don't worry about breastfeeding etc., whatever decisions you and Tim make will be perfect for your children!

    Both boys are growing just fine at our house and they were (are) formula fed.
