Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Our first night!
The big day!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
24 hours and counting!
I'll miss.....
Feeling them move
Growing two miracles inside me
Having weekly ultrasounds and seeing them grow
Not having to do dishes at my moms house :)
I won't miss.....
Having to pee every hour all day and night
The first trimester acne
Heartburn and acid reflux
Being hot (hoping my body temp goes back to normal)
Worrying that they are ok in there
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
34 weeks
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
33 weeks
I had my 33 week doctor appt and growth ultrasound yesterday. One of the boys is taking slight advantage of the other (their weights differ by 7 oz) The doc isn't very concerned, but this isn't wonderful news. We are going to keep doing what we are doing with my weekly ultrasounds and non stress tests and hope and pray that they behave for the next 2 weeks. So, it looks like July 20th is the day! I'll be 35 weeks and as long as everything goes well until then, everything should be good! The only concern is that the babies need to regulate their own temperature or they will not be able to come home right away. We don't want that. :(
Good news: No preterm labor. I'm feeling pretty good and getting lots of rest. The doc says to keep swimming and stay hydrated.
My dad and sister came with me to the ultrasound. He's never seen one and I think he really enjoyed it. They also talked to the doc with me. I always like others to hear what I hear so I don't make shit up! Except my dad got to hear the question " Any vaginal discharge" HA. poor guy :)
Thursday, July 2, 2009
32 weeks
It's very real now and I'm getting very nervous!!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Maternity Triage - 30 weeks
Fetal fibronectin - they take a swab to check for the absense of this protein which indicates with a 99% accuracy that you're not in preterm labor. They use a giant cotton swab to swab the inside of your business. Kicker is, they have to leave it in there for one minute. OY! Before she did the test she asked if we'd had sex in the last 24 hours (apparently, that can cause a false positive) I answered "Um, no. Not in the last 4 weeks" and of course, Tim had a comment from behind the curtain.
Cervix check - ok, this one I know but since I was all hooked up to monitors and laying on my left side on a horrible bed with no stirrups I wasn't sure how the exam was going to happen. Let me tell you, this was very, very painful! She laid the bed back and I had to hold my leg up while she attempted to reach my cervix. In that position the cervix is far away and in a weird ass angle. Needless to say was she could not reach it and had to call another nurse in to try. So, I had to endure this fun twice! The second nurse tried harder and that hurt worse. She could barely find it which turned into a good thing since it obviously wasn't dilated at all.
Tim stayed behind the curtain for all this fun. I could just see his shoes and he could hear me in pain. Definitely not something I'm looking forward to repeating.
While we waited for the results of the test we just sat there and looked at each other. Every few minutes the alarm would sound that one baby moved and was no longer on the heart monitor. They'd come in and find him and leave. After about an hour of that, the first nurse came back in with a small needle. Terbutaline. She said "it's a small needle, but I hear it has a big sting." It's used to stop contractions altogether and if it works quickly it means no preterm labor and I get to go home. Well, mother effer! She wasn't kidding about the sting. I couldn't tell which was worse the cervix check or the shot. Ugh! Within 5 minutes I was jumpy and shaking. Fun side effects of the shot.
15 minutes later she came back with the results. Contractions stopped, fetal fibronectin negative. Woo hoo! She was sending us home! She said that she thought the doc was being overly cautious since I wasn't in any pain, wasn't bleeding or leaking fluid, but the doc said to do the tests so they have to do them. She said "we'd like to keep you pregnant for another 5 weeks." Exactly what we were thinking!
So, after 2 hours I was totally fine. Wasn't in labor and the babies weren't in any danger. Thank God!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
29 weeks - Big NEWS!

Thursday, June 4, 2009
And the fun begins!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Awe, Baby Gifts!
Monday, May 4, 2009
24 weeks!
I had my 24 week ultrasound appt. today. I brought my mom with me this time since Tim was at work. It went really well. Babies are growing perfectly. Each weighing a pound and a half and right on track. Moving around like crazy and posing for more pics!
Ultrasound tech: Did you come up with names yet?
Me: Nope. Tim doesn't like anything
Ultrasound tech: Still? Haha.
Then she told my mom the story of when she told us we were having twins. She remembered our shock and also the shock of finding out they are 2 boys. I love that she remembers us! My mom was pretty excited to see them in action. I think she cried; I know I did. She already thinks they are cute!
We got to see one of the babies open it's mouth and swallow. It's so bizarre.
Me: Tim thinks it's gross that they swallow the amniotic fluid
Ultrasound tech: Tell Tim that he did it too. Every baby does.
Me: I did and I told him that's how they learn to swallow.
Ultrasound tech: Does Tim know they are also swallowing baby urine?
Me: Um, NO. I don't share that much with him. He doesn't need to know :) You should have seen his reaction to the vaginal discharge section of the book. HA!
She laughed, of course :)
Saturday, April 11, 2009
My Boys!
They can’t get pregnant (this was Tim's)
We don’t have to pay for a wedding
No teenage girl drama
I never have to lift anything heavy again
I can leave on Sunday and let them all watch football
I get to call them and Tim, “My boys!” ?(this is the best one!)
The cons of having 2 boys:
I don’t get to buy girlie clothes and shoes
I never get to buy anything purple, pink, or yellow or with cute flowers on it
I don’t get to pass on my make up tips
I don't get to be Mother of the Bride
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Oh Boys!

Ultrasound technician: Ok, let’s see what we can find out. Ah, there it is.
Me: What?
Ultrasound technician: The penis.
Me: Oh. Is that what that is?
While we were looking at the skull of Baby A, Baby B decided to move in and flash us. Yep, you guessed it; another penis.
Tim: YAY!
Me: Son of a bitch!
Ultrasound Technician: Awe, you guys are so funny!
Tim: Woo hoo! (I think he actually did a dance)
Me: Oh, shut up!
Ultrasound Technician: 2 boys! You’ll love it
Me: Sure, they won’t help do any housework and when they grow up they will leave and never call their mother
Ultrasound Technician: My brother is 39 and he calls my mother every day
Me: Not that I don’t trust you and think you are great at your job, but what are the chances that one will end up being a girl?
Ultrasound Technician: …Um, none. They are boys
At first I was upset. We wanted one of each. I’ve had time to get used to it and it’s growing on me. I’m just so happy that they are healthy and growing well! That’s all I was really praying for. And, not only are they both boys, they are identical. Wow! Somehow, we went from not wanting kids, to getting pregnant the first time, to twins, to the rarest form of twins - Two Boys! God is smiling and laughing at us!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Who says doctors aren't comedians?
Doc: Try to watch the caloric beverage intake
Me: Um, I don’t drink anything that has calories
Doc: Oh, I was trying to be delicate and start with something easy
Me: It’s ok. I know. I gained 4 pounds in one week. It wasn’t juice. It was ribs, fish sticks, a hamburger and sweet potato french fries
He isn’t really concerned about my weight gain overall, just that I put on 10 pounds since last time I saw him. Come on, the babies got bigger too :) Plus, I was wearing more clothes this visit.
I had a hard time with the amount of calories I was told to consume for the babies. The 300 each. I panicked one week and thought I wasn’t eating enough. Obviously I was wrong! But, now I know and have been doing fine. Not gaining more than a pound a week if that. I’m still eating enough for the babies to get what they want, but not indulging in all the things I haven’t eaten in 8 years in a weeks time. Who says weight watchers doesn’t get in your head?
Friday, March 27, 2009
People Suck
For example:
The stupid check out girl at Motherhood: So, you're carrying twins? (my mother told everyone in the store) They did tell you that you will be much bigger than if you were carrying one baby, right? So you should be fine with your bottoms, but you will need bigger shirts for later.
Me: Um, yes, I think I've figured that out.
The stupid check out girl at Motherhood: Do you work?
Me: (confused at her question) Yes.
The stupid bitch at Motherhood: Oh, because I notice that you are only buying casual clothes and I was just curious why you didn't get anything business attire.
Me: Well lucky for me I get to wear jeans and t-shirts to work (insert my fake smile).
The stupid bitch at Motherhood: Oh, that's great!
Even my mother wanted to reach across the counter and smack her.
I'm 18 weeks pregnant and not really that big yet and I work with only 5 other people. All men. Well, boys is what I usually call them. The oldest one, who is married and has a few daughters actually said this to me last week:
Him: Wow, you're already waddling like you're pregnant
Me: Um, nope, my back is just hurting a little this morning.
Him: Oh! So, you've gained what? 15 pounds?
Me: Fuck you. (and I walked away)
See - stupid people everywhere. I wonder how they survive.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Maternity Shopping!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Kissing My Waistline Goodbye!
Of course, the loving husband had to put his two cents in, "You are going to get back to what you looked like before you got pregnant right after the babies are born, right?!?" Oh yes, honey. I'll get right on that while I'm trying to take care of 2 babies and you.
Thank you AJ for the bellyband, I can breathe much easier today because of it!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Men say stupid things sometimes

My husband, Tim, is a really great person. He’s smart, loving, good looking, laid back, even tempered and sweet. But, he is not funny. Here are a few things that my supportive husband said to me this week:
Are you going to get post-partum depression? Well, if you do, can you stop it before it happens? (sure thing, honey, I’ll just meditate really hard and stop the surge of hormone’s)
I was talking about not wanting to go into labor at work because I work with a bunch of guys and I’m worried they won’t be calm enough to get me to the hospital.
I said, “I guess I can just call an ambulance”
Tim said “Hell no, do you know how expensive that is. You can just drive yourself”
Me “WTF? You’re fucking kidding right?”
Tim “No, it’s not like it’s going to hurt that badly at the beginning, you can just drive yourself”
I continue to argue the facts about how the contractions hit every 20, 10, 5 minutes or whatever and that if I’m driving I could crash and kill myself. He stands firm that I should drive myself because the pain won’t be that bad. I can just suck it up and suffer until I get there. In the movies, the women don’t look like they are in too much pain. REALLY? In the movies? Wow. Maybe I should move 'smart' farther down the list. Poor Timmy. Anyone want to volunteer to drive me to the hospital?
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Thoughts from my Grandfather
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Twin Pregnancy Research
Since I had no idea I was having 2 babies I didn’t do any reading on it. I actually skipped those sections of the pregnancy websites that I came across, thinking that’s not me…..Well, now I had to go back and find all those links and see what new information I needed to learn. I was freaked that I went 12 weeks not knowing and how much harm did that cause. That fear only lasted a few hours and then I reminded myself that I was taking pretty good care of my body. Eating the right things, drinking my gallon of water a day(which is harder than it sounds), taking my vitamins, exercising, and eating my extra 300 calories a day.
So, what new information did I find out about being pregnant with 2 babies?
More calcium (1200 mg a day. That’s 4 glasses of milk. Gross, I don’t drink milk. But, I do eat cheese and cottage cheese and take a supplement)
Eat between 90 and 120 grams of protein. (That’s a lot of protein and since I don’t eat fish and can’t have lunch meat, and have to eat red meat fully cooked –nasty - this one is going to be hard to do.)
More iron (and more iron means more constipation – woo hoo!)
Gain 10 more pounds than I originally thought (between 35-45) I guess this one is good and bad :)
Eat 6 servings of fruit and veggies a day. Since the only thing I have a craving for is fruit, this one I can do!
Eat 600 more calories a day (This sounds awesome until you realize that 600 calories is very easy to eat. And they say to stay away from “empty calories” yeah, ok.)
The day I found out all this new info I went out to eat and had Fish and Chips. The babies LOVE Fish and Chips :P
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Our 1st ultrasound

Technician “Hi, how are you both doing?”
Kara “Good, you?”
Tim “Good”
Technician “Are you having any issues with your pregnancy so far?”
Kara “Just the uterus stretching. That’s fun!”
Technician “ Yeah, that is fun :). Please lay down flat and we’ll get started. Tim, you can sit if you like” (He stood)
Technician “Is this your first ultrasound?”
Kara “Yes”
Technician “Um, You’re having 2 babies”
Kara “What?!?!?”
Tim” ….”
Technician “You’re having 2 babies!”
Kara “ Shit.”
Tim. “….”
Technician “I never get to surprise people! Are you ok?”
Kara “Fuck”
Tim “….”
Technician “ Are you guys ok?!?”
Kara “No.”
Tim “ It’s hot as fuck in here”
Technician “Ok, I’ll put the fan on”
Meanwhile, during this conversation we are both just staring at the big screen TV looking at our babies with our mouths open. Babies?! Are you kidding me?! I was actually glad that I could tell what I was looking at. I had flashbacks of Rachel on friends “I can’t see my baby!” You could see them very, very clearly. 2 sacs. 2 heads. 2 heartbeats. Shit.
Tim “This means 2 college funds “
Kara “This means 2 of everything. Fuck.”
Technician “This is great news you guys! Congrats!"
Technician “They look great. Everything is developing just as it should”
Kara “ Wow.”
Tim “ Shit. “
Kara “Our mother’s cursed us by teasing it was twins. We are no longer speaking to either of them. Ever. “
Tim “Yeah “
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Now, this is good advice!
Snuggle/lay around with him
Go to the movie theater
Sleep in
Enjoy going places with only your purse to carry.
Enjoy eating your dinner whilst it is still warm.
thanks, heather lee! :)
Why don’t your friends tell you these things?
Monday, February 2, 2009
11 weeks
“You’re going to breastfeed, right?”
“You know you can’t eat that right?”
“You do know that you’re not supposed to sleep on your back after your first trimester”
“You’re not going to find out the sex of the baby are you?”
“Really, that’s the name you have picked out?”
WTF? They aren’t really words of advice, nor are they encouraging at all. I’m not a moron, I think I know some of the things you aren’t supposed to do and the rest I read when I found out I was pregnant. Since I’m new at this, I do appreciate the advice. If it can be given to me as such. Um, not like the above. I’ve already snapped at a few close friends and family for the above statements. I might not breastfeed. That does NOT make me a horrible person. Yes, I know I can’t drink, smoke, do drugs, eat soft cheese, sushi or fish high in mercury. Yes, we want to know the sex of the baby. My question to you is, why didn’t you want to know? And, yes, we can and will name our child whatever the hell we want. I do not care if you like the name or not. You have children, you got your chance to name them, keep your opinions to yourself. Oh, thanks for caring!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Knocked Up
So, I’ve found myself in the “family way” and I’m pretty excited. I’m not scared yet. I’m too worried about what foods I can’t effing eat now. Every day it’s something new. Sushi I understand. Unpasteurized cheese, ok. But lunch meat? Come on. This coming from a perpetual weight watchers client who has been eating Boar’s Head lunch meat sandwiches everyday for lunch for 7 years. Now, I have to come up with new and exciting things to eat for lunch. Oh, and it’s pretty much trial and error as to which will make me want to hurl!