Friday, March 6, 2009

Kissing My Waistline Goodbye!

I've made it 15 weeks and am still in my own clothes. But, sad to say, they are a little tight around the belly so it's time to do some shopping! I've struggled with my weight my entire life but for some reason I've always had a flat stomach and an un-natural waist line :) Well, those days are over and yes, it is a little sad and weird, but also very exciting. Right now it just looks like I had too many beers and wings, but hopefully soon it will look more like what it's supposed to look like!

Of course, the loving husband had to put his two cents in, "You are going to get back to what you looked like before you got pregnant right after the babies are born, right?!?" Oh yes, honey. I'll get right on that while I'm trying to take care of 2 babies and you.

Thank you AJ for the bellyband, I can breathe much easier today because of it!


  1. I just came across your blog. My twins are now 6 and I can remember back in the day with the whole maternity clothes/body changing. I actually lost a ton a weight after I had my babies. I think nursing helped. I look forward to following your blog and your journey.

  2. Oh...forgot to add...please visit us at
