Tuesday, July 14, 2009

34 weeks

I had my last ob/gyn appt. today and BPP. The babies and the fluid look good! One of them is still smaller but the doc isn't too worried. We are on for Monday night!! That's less than a week. OMG! I'm excited and nervous and totally freaked out! The doc answered my c section questions so I feel better about that part. We have to wait until they are born to see if they will need to be in the nursery during our hospital stay. If so, Tim or I will have to escort people into the nursery to see the boys. They will be in a room with out windows so no one can even just go look. :( I'm hoping they won't be in there long so they can be in the room with me! Otherwise there are going be a lot of unhappy friends that will have to wait until we bring them home.

1 comment:

  1. How exciting! Get some rest this weekend... you'll need it come Monday night and for first couple of days after the boys are born. I hope everything goes well for you guys. Many prayers are being sent your way for a safe delivery, fast recovery, and two very healthy little ones!
