Saturday, April 11, 2009

My Boys!

The pros of having 2 boys:

They can’t get pregnant (this was Tim's)
We don’t have to pay for a wedding
No teenage girl drama
I never have to lift anything heavy again
I can leave on Sunday and let them all watch football
I get to call them and Tim, “My boys!” ?(this is the best one!)

The cons of having 2 boys:

I don’t get to buy girlie clothes and shoes
I never get to buy anything purple, pink, or yellow or with cute flowers on it
I don’t get to pass on my make up tips
I don't get to be Mother of the Bride


  1. Um hello!!!

    pass those makeup tips on to me sucka!

  2. I love saying "my boys" and I agree with all the pros! I tried to talk Tommy into getting a cute Easter dress for Pete!!! But we went with cute plaid shorts & golf shirts! I'll send a picture sometime soon.

  3. you are hilarious!
